Attorney Member Sign Up

Join other attorneys in the fight for justice by donating time to represent refugees in the legal system.

How you can help

  • Lend your names in support of the goals and aspirations of the Refugee Justice League.

  • Support the aims and aspirations of the League among their families, friends and colleagues.

  • When appropriate, counsel refugees or immigrants who are experiencing a privation of their civil, religious or Constitutional rights.

  • When appropriate, write letters on behalf of refugees and immigrants who have experienced a privation of their civil, religious or constitutional rights.

  • Help prosecute cases on behalf of those who have experienced a curtailment of their civil, religious or constitutional rights.

  • Teach or lecture on the rights of refugees and immigrants.

  • Make presentations in public schools about the rights and privileges of refugees and immigrants in our community.

  • Volunteer time to the administrative operation of the League.

Sign up to donate legal services or request more information: